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AIMIX GROUP ABT60C Diesel Concrete Pump Was On The Way To Tajikistan

Good news! Our ABT60C diesel concrete pump was going to Tajikistan. If you want to buy a concrete pump, which information do you want to know? I guess, specifications are th point you will pay much more attention, you wanna know horizontal pumping distance and vertical pumping distance, because these two elements will help you to decide which type is proper for your construction.

  • ABT60C Diesel Concrete Pump Was On The Way To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Pump To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Concrete Pump To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Pump To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Concrete Pump Was On The Way To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Pump To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Concrete Pump To Tajikistan
  • ABT60C Diesel Pump To Tajikistan


Max. theo. concrete output(L./H)M3/h67/45
Max.concrete pumping pressure(H./L.)MPa13/7
Distribution valve typeS Valve
Diesel engine modelWechai

Diesel Concrete Pump Is Suitable For What Kinds Of Areas

  1. Electric source is insufficient;
  2. Electric voltage is low.

You may be worried your country doesn’t have enough electricity and can’t do construction project smoothly, you may be worried about using electric concrete pump will consume a lot of electric power resource. If you choose us, if you choose our diesel engine concrete pump, all of your worries will disappear, what are you waiting for? Do not hesitate to contact us for free quotation!

In addition ABT60C, we have been exported many types diesel concrete pump to abroad, you can have a look. Also we have diesel concrete mixer with pump for sale, it is a combination of concrete mixer and concrete pump, which is very efficient, you can learn more.

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    • Please describe the type of project (e.g., building house, factory, road, bridge, dam, airport, etc.).

    • Please list the specific equipment or type (e.g., crushing plant, asphalt plant, batching plant, self-loading mixer, concrete pump, etc.).

    • Please tell us your estimated equipment or project start-up date.

    • Please detail your specific requirements or expectations (e.g., project site, voltage, climate, etc.).

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